If you don’t have a mobile device, you can check out these webpages & videos that show simulations of vision at various stages:
This webpage shows what people with AMD see as reported by people who have the disease.
This webpage shows in photo form what the various stages of MD vision loss are not only when looking at people but also looking at text. It would be handy to print this and have it with you to show others what you see.
If you have a mobile device, you can download and install apps that will simulate the vision after various stages of MD:
RNIB AMD (free; not available for Android) from the UK uses the camera in your device to simulate the various stages of MD (normal, early, medium, late). It also has these information pages: How Your Eye Works, About AMD, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Support.
VisionSim by the Braille Institute (free; not available for Android) Instead of settings for the various stages, there is a slider so you can move smoothly through the symptoms. Not available for Android. It also gives information about the various aspects of vision loss due to MD.
Have not found any Android apps for this-yet.