As usual, life is a mixed bag. I got my mowing done. First time for the season and first time as someone who is visually impaired. I am happy to say I still have ten, little fingers and ten, little toes. Mowing appears to be one more thing I should be capable of for a while.
I also got to Walmart and did some shopping. I used my telescopic glasses to look at some things like videos and price tags. I used the card machine without incident. Something else that seems good for now.
It is sort of strange to think of such mundane things as victories, but they are. It is important to me to stay as functional as possible. I have heard some people say any day you wake up on top of the ground is a good day. I am not sure I would go that far but any day I can take care of myself and get something accomplished is a good day for me. One less day I need to worry about.
Some days do get long though. A progressive condition like AMD makes it so, in the back of your mind – and sometimes in the front of your mind! – you are wondering when the next proverbial shoe is going to drop.
I wonder about the odd quirks in my vision. For example, I get a shimmery circle when I first go outside in the sunshine. What the hey is that? Does it mean photoreceptors are trying to fire or they are trying to die? I looked it up online but could not find it. I know it is not a visual migraine. Been there. Done that. Probably need to message my ophthalmologist. Anybody else have the shimmery circle thing?
Maybe worrying about the progression of the AMD and everyone here being so good to me has increased my sense of entitlement (and yes, I am aware I have always had one), but I get, shall we say, cranky. I start to feel I should be exempt from the aggregations of modern life. This visually impaired nonsense should be enough; right?
For example,I got a bill for the copays for my low vision appointments. An obvious error. Those bills belong to BVS. One more piece of happy horse manure for me to shovel.
Then I decided to schedule the shore excursions for the cruise. The website told me nothing I wanted was available! What?!? You have got to be kidding.
Of course, customer service at each of those places does not serve customers on a Sunday. No resolution for my problems for 24 hours.
I grumbled. I bitched. I complained. I moaned. Then I got out my Talking Books player and put the new Lincoln Rhyme novel in. Distraction through an activity. DBT distress tolerance skill. I really have learned a skill or two.
So, Monday came. I fought the good fight and did not once ask any derogatory questions of the vision bill lady. You know the ones e.g.”why don’t you learn your damn job?”.
It doesn’t help to be rude.
Then I called the cruise company. Computer glitch. I got my excursions. I again have some fairly short-term positives to ‘pull’ me along. Things to look forward to help get me through.
Next: Say “Cheese!”