Sue Quixote

While I was riding home from school with my friend, my cell phone rang. It was my counselor from Blindness and Visual Services. More papers to sign!!!

My friend asked what was up and I told her I thought it was paperwork to get me a mobility specialist. My friend knows half of the reason I want mobility training is to get my bike across two main roads. Not hiding it. Being able to cross a road to go to WORK as Blindness and Visual Services is thinking is a secondary benefit.

Anyway, I then started talking about how I might even end up with a white cane! I had read articles that said often a white cane is for the benefit of everyone else. It signals them to watch out for you.

Half a second later my friend and I both got a fit of the giggles! We were imagining me trying to ride my bike across the highway all the while brandishing my white cane!

A ‘blind’ knight on her trusty steed, Schwinn, waving her white sword. I suspect that would be a traffic stopper!

We spun more and more unlikely scenarios from there. (Believe it or not, there were some.) The ride home was accomplished with a lot of giggling.

I know some people may find that offensive. Making fun of the poor, visually impaired lady. Well, I am the poor, visually impaired lady and sometimes I deserve to be laughed at. Sometimes I WANT to be laughed at, or ast least laughed with.

I have already said I have lived a charmed life. Things have gone especially well. Granted this current little adventure is not the least bit charming, but you will have that now and again. But anyway, one of the very positive things about my charmed life is I am capable of making an ass out of myself….and it happens regularly. It has taught me a bit more life wisdom: try not to take yourself too seriously and life is the funniest thing that will ever happen to you. The corollary to that second one is disasters make the best stories but that is another post.

My point is laughter is good for you. It is even good for you if you have to fake it. In DBT we have the concept of ‘half smile’. The muscles and nerves in your face are in a feedback loop together. Feel good and you smile. Smile and you feel good. It really does work.

If nothing else, think about the confusion you will cause when people wonder what you are smiling about!

Next: Pet Therapy
