Linda’s New Page 2/4/2018

Our Facebook group has grown to 1317 members as of this morning, I added 24 new members just this week!   We started the group to enable members to interact with each other and share information.  I’ve been moderating the group since May 2016.  Over the years, I’ve observed that as people enter the group they often ask questions about what supplements they should take and what foods they should eat.  Often the AREDS/AREDS2 supplements are recommended by physicians and other people with AMD as if they were a ‘treatment’.  They are not and the research behind them shows that they don’t help everyone.   The research also shows that AMD is a disease with many risk factors and possible causes.  I wrote this page hoping that in addition to sharing some honesty I can also share some optimism.

My Two Cents

Are you new to the diagnosis?  Just starting your research?  The page I Have Macular Degeneration – Now What? will get you started on your own journey.

To read about Sue’s journey with AMD,  you can start In The Beginning.

Are you confused about whether the AREDS/AREDS2 research showed if they can help you?  Go to Review of the AREDS & AREDS2 Research Results: An Attempt of Make Them Clearer for Patients and Family Members.