Me and My Cocoons 11/8/2018

One of the risk factors for developing AMD and having it progress is exposure to the harmful rays of the sun.  Good sunglasses are a must! Years ago I found my first pair of Cocoon sunglasses which fit over my eyeglasses.  It was love at first sight (I know, that is really corny! ::grin::).  I have to admit, though, that I found their website to be a bit confusing, so I contacted the company and received a lot of help. After a few emails, I asked the great customer service person I’d been working with for something knowing that “Sorry, no” could have been the answer but the answer was “Sure!”  There’s an early Christmas present for everyone who reads BOTH of these pages…

Me and My Cocoons – A Personal Story, Not a Sales Pitch Page 1

Did you find that early Christmas present? If not, email me at