CORRECTION – Sue’s New Page 11/1/2017

Did I have too much Halloween candy last night?  Not enough coffee?  Have the frigid temperatures frozen my brain?  Who knows but I’m sorry, the previous post had a ‘bad link’ so if you have clicked on “Yeah Team!” you got ‘page not found’!  This one will work, at least I hope it will ::grin::

Sue is a confident person but she does get nervous when she knows that people depend on her.  She’s been asked to participate in a project as second in charge and she accepted with the understanding that if her vision worsens, she may not be able to continue.  So let’s offer a…

Yeah Team!

Sue & her husband are on a cruise, a trip that she set up faster than normal so she didn’t have a lot of time to do research.  So while she’s sunning on the top deck of the ship (wearing her good sunglasses, of course), you can read about cruises for those with visual impairments. ::smile::


Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.