These are questions that we are frequently asked.
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- Will I go blind? You can listen to this page now.
- If my vision changes, should I call my eye specialist? You can listen to this page now.
- What are the stages of AMD? You can listen to this page now.
- I have AMD. What’s my chance of having vision loss? You can listen to this page now.
- What should I be eating or not eating to hopefully slow the progression of AMD? You can listen to this page now.
- What are all known risk factors for AMD? Why did this happen to me
- What questions do I need to have answered by my eye specialist? You can listen to this page now.
- I’m stressed, anxious, depressed. How do I deal with this? You can listen to this page now.
- Should I be wearing sunglasses? What kind are best?
- Can staring at a computer or other electronic device make my AMD worse?
- What can I do for computer/digital eye strain?
- Should I take eye vitamins? What’s AREDS2?
- What if I’m NOT a good candidate to take the AREDS2 supplement? What should I be doing?
- Should I buy ‘computer glasses’?
- What’s the difference between the various eye professionals?
- Can I travel by air with macular degeneration?
- Are there other forms of macular degeneration than AMD?
- What is Myopic Macular Degeneration?
- Are there other retinal and macular disorders I might have?
- Having AMD increases risk to my kids. What do I tell them to do?
- What is geographic atrophy? You can listen to this page now.
- What are drusen? Does it mean I have AMD? Is it drusen or drusens?
- I have dry AMD. What is wet AMD? You can listen to this page now.
- Can I have wet in one eye but not the other? Can I have one eye wet and one eye dry? I am so confused!
- Why are there injections for wet AMD? What do they do and how?
I have wet AMD. Why does my doctor use one anti-VEGF injection not another?
- When will we have an alternative to injections for wet AMD?
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More questions and LOTS more information!
Where can I get help to find aid: financial, products, doctors, etc?