Personal Message December 11th, 2021 Our Genetic Guns: Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Comment 3. Three (3) Carotenoids, Not Just 2!

I knew that antioxidants are important in battling oxidative stress, so I decided that I should go back to one area that doesn’t get much attention despite its 20-year history of solid research. You probably have heard about 2 of them: lutein and zeaxanthin. There’s a third antioxidant called meso-zeaxanthin.

About abbreviations: Meso-zeaxanthin is often abbreviated as M or Mz, lutein as L, zeaxanthin as Z. Sometimes you’ll see LMZ or LMZ3.


Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are called carotenoids. There are MANY others, including beta-carotene. They are pigments that give plants their yellow or orange color. When we eat plant foods, these pigments benefit the body in essential ways.

Macular Pigment

At the back of the eye, at the very center which is known as the macula, LMZ collectively join and concentrate to form a yellow pigment that is called macular pigment (MP). Macular pigment protects the macula from harmful blue light (because it is yellow and can filter out the blue) and provides antioxidants to keep the photoreceptors nourished & healthy to fight oxidative stress.

We Need All 3

The short story is that research has shown that even though there are about 700 carotenoids, only these 3 are found in our macula: LMZ. They have a synergistic effect on each other, which means we need all 3 of them, so they work at optimal levels. Pretty amazing that of all the carotenoids available from nature, the eye ‘chose’ these 3!

Eating Plant Foods

The important thing to know is that if we don’t eat plant foods, we won’t have macular pigment. A researcher quit eating plant foods for 21 days & had virtually no macular pigment at the end of that period. When he resumed a diet which included plants, his macular pigment recovered.

It also means that if we don’t eat a sufficient amount of plant foods, we don’t have sufficient macular pigment.

It also means that if we don’t eat the plants that contain these 3 carotenoids, we may not have sufficient macular pigment.

Healthy macular pigment, which protects, nourishes the photoreceptors and fights oxidative stress, comes from getting enough of these 3 carotenoids.

With me so far? I hope so!

Comment 4. What Is Meso-zeaxanthin? Why Is It Important? Show Me the Research!

So what is meso-zeaxanthin, and why is it important? To be honest, it depends on who you talk & listen to and what you read. Research frequently comes down to the stories of the people who conduct it. That’s certainly the case with my journey.

The path I followed began when I listened to a September 3rd, 2021, podcast interview with Dr. John Nolan who has been doing research into the 3 carotenoids for the last 20 years (I’ll give you the link in Comment 5). Since then, I have watched countless hours of video, listened to hours of podcasts, and read (or tried to read) LOTS of scientific papers. I have enough of a background, education, and confidence in the scientific method that I felt I was able to understand and assimilate what I needed to be able to follow the research.

Little did I know how MUCH there was, but I was determined to dig through as much of it as I could. That’s why it took so long!

I found that there are many others who were involved and are still involved – quite a multidisciplinary collection of people. I’ll be introducing you to some. These are professionals who have dedicated their careers to the study of macular pigment in the macula which is only about 5.5 mm in the size!

Dr. Nolan (often referred to as Professor Nolan) is not only a scientist & researcher but also a compelling speaker and effective educator. He makes it clear that he’s only one part of this multidisciplinary team that has evolved over his 20-year career. During that time, he became the author or one of the authors of over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. You can find all his articles at

In the Beginning

In 2005 in Ireland, John Nolan defended his PhD in Biochemistry on a Wednesday and left for the US on a Friday. He’d applied for and was awarded a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to study at the Medical College of Georgia. There he worked with researchers who were studying how lutein affects our eyes. [Personal note: My husband got his Occupational Therapy degree at Medical College of Georgia, although he wasn’t there at the same time. I’m always amazed at what a small world it is!]

When he returned to Ireland, he set up the Macular Pigment Research group at the Waterford Institute of Technology. There they began to collect a body of evidence that pointed to the macular pigment as critical to the health of our eyes and as an indication of the level of carotenoids in our brain.

In 2016, he set up the Nutrition Research Centre Ireland (NRCI) where he is the Director. They’re involved in numerous project including the new Supplement Certified program where they are testing supplements to certify that what is on the label is in the product. In 2021, they analyzed 47 nutritional supplements containing carotenoids and found that 64% did not meet the content described on their labels. They are also working with supplement companies, so they make sure that what’s on the label is indeed in the product. Since supplements aren’t regulated, this is welcome news! For more, go to.

Continuing Down the Path

There’s MUCH more to Dr. Nolan’s biography. I hope you’ve read what I wrote in the Events post (Facebook page) which is more complete.

Here are the reasons I chose to continue:

⁃ Dr. Nolan’s research is based on recognized scientific methodology, where the results are published in peer-reviewed journals. In the world of scientific research, there’s something called the ‘Hierarchy of Evidence.’ Although the details vary from country to country, Level 1 scientific evidence means it was obtained through randomized, controlled clinical trials. Dr. Nolan’s research has been Level 1.

⁃ He does not work alone. He repeats this over and over in his articles and interviews. He frequently refers to people he’s worked with over the years. This isn’t a ‘one man show.’

⁃ His research depends on objective measures of the levels of the carotenoids in blood, the macula, and the brain. He uses state-of-the-art equipment, equipment that has improved significantly over the years.

⁃ He does not work for any company exclusively. He has tested many supplement products. The main funding for his research comes mostly from government sources, including that of Ireland and the EU.

⁃ When he first started using an LMZ formulation from a specific company, it was with the agreement that he would publish the results no matter what they were. And he did!