Lin/Linda here: Call Ghostbusters! I have gremlins in the website! There were some ‘broken links’ in several recent emails. All I can say is that this happened at the same time our website was moved from one computer (called a server) to another. Shouldn’t have happened but it did so we go on.
If you get the “oops, can’t find the page”, it’s OK to tell me either by leaving a comment or emailing me. I test every post before it goes out but I think the problem occurred after that.
We continue to share quotes from Sue’s journal pages in anticipation of our 2nd anniversary on February 25th. We hope this will encourage you to explore our ever-growing website that has over 500 journal pages and over 600 posts!
Here are the links and dates for the most recent 3 pages. They do link from one to the next but you may have already looked one.
Sue’s Musings Then and Now – Part 2 – 1/20/2018
Sue’s Musings: Then and Now – Part 3 – 1/24/2018
Sue’s Musings: Then and Now – Part 4 – 1/25/2018
Want to start at the beginning?
Sue’s Musings: Then and Now – Part 1 – 1/18/2018
Have a favorite page or two?
I know that some of you save your favorite journal pages. Do YOU have a page you’d like to recommend? If you do, add it in the comments section or email you recommendations to me at Thanks!