A Watch Hunt

I wish I knew where my watch is. I have looked under the bed and even stripped the bed. I shook out the blankets and the sheets. No watch.

I have moved everything on the bathroom vanity where I often carelessly toss it before I take a bath. No watch.

I have checked the pockets of everything I have had on in the last day, pants and jackets. Maybe it came undone and fell in a pocket. Nope. No watch.

My husband is sort of used to me losing things. He has been on ‘The Great Cell Phone Hunt’ several times. When I told him I had lost my watch his comment was “Really? What a surprise.” Smart Ass.

The simple fact of the matter? I am a slob. I am a piler. One of the major reasons – or at least a contributing factor – for my becoming a professional and not a domestic goddess is I hate to clean.

Now it is not the worst I have seen. Just about the worst was during a home visit on which I saw multiple piles of dried dog feces on the living room floor. No, it is not of the dried dog poop standard, but it ain’t good.

I like to have my ‘stuff’. Stuff ends up in piles. Things get lost in piles of V.I.S. – That’s Very Important Stuff, by the way.

When I was fully sighted I could dig through piles of V.I.S. and find what I was looking for. Now I may sort past what I am looking for and have not a clue it is there.

People are making ‘casual’ suggestions. Maybe I should get rid of some of my V.I.S. Maybe I should get better organized. Would it not be great to know where everything is? Let’s hear it for organization? Hmmmm

Right now there are a lot of ways I am working on inventing the ‘new me’. Not really liking it, but I have to keep ‘turning my mind’ (DBT concept alert!) and accepting that things have changed. Some of the changes I am being forced to make are minor and some of them are closer to the core. Intellectually – and as a DBT teacher – I know that I should work on accepting reality and changing attitudes and habits to meet that new reality. I also know that it is really hard to do at times. That is especially true when the changes have to be with things that are pretty close to the core self. After all, I have been a slob for 62 years and I kind of like it.

So I will ‘turn my mind’ and make some of the necessary changes. Later. Right now it appears I need another watch!

Written March 2016.  Reviewed September 2018.

Next: Never Say Always
