Being a little aggravated here. I was online doing a search for what is new in AMD and came upon two, January, 2017 articles in WebMD. I found the first one, Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment, 1/12/17 to be wildly misleading. Nowhere in the article did it discriminate adequately between the two types of AMD and it implied anti-VEGF and similar treatments are effective with both forms of AMD. Not hardly! REALLY ticked me off.
I searched until I found a contact number and shot off an email. See if they answer me. See if they actually have the guts to admit the article is misleading. I asked they pull it and give it a rewriting.
You know Lin and I are educators in ‘another life’. You know we try very hard to bring you nothing but quality information…and a little goofiness on my part.? Therefore it is upsetting to us to see misleading information coming from what is generally a respected source. Really! We do our homework and we don’t even get paid for it! The least these people can do – being paid, by the way – is the same.
That said, no one is perfect. If you find anything, ANYTHING you question on this site, shoot us off an email and say something. We will research it further and get back to you. Don’t be afraid to upset us or to make waves. I get mad but I get over it, especially if I can be proven wrong. Then I feel stupid and apologize. [Lin/Linda: what Sue said.]
If you find anything in the press you question, send it along. We can look into it and see if we agree with you that it is, at best, ‘off’. I write a really good, intellectual-sounding and polite email that boils down to “do you have a freakin’ CLUE what you are talking about there, honey????” I don’t mind writing them and I do occasionally enjoy a good rant. Gets the juices flowing.
Bottom line is we aim to inform and we aim to inform accurately. If that is not happening, you have the right to send us your own emails and set us straight.
We are on this journey together. Feel free to help us stay on course.
Next: The A in AMD