One more time I am waiting for a ride to work. Yippee. Not! In case you have not figured it out, this is the part I hate most about losing my central vision.
A notice came in the snail mail. The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped in Philly is moving. They are going to 1500 Spring Garden Street. If you use their services, be aware.
I always love it when I get print notices from agencies for the blind. What if you are totally blind?
Do you have to put every piece of junk mail under a reader just so you don’t throw out anything important? That could become a full-time job!
What else? Well, on a positive note, I am going skiing tomorrow evening! Once again persistence and a positive attitude pay off. I contacted a local, outdoor activity group and my sob story finally worked! I had been told to lie by omission, but I don’t. I told her I am a healthy, active 64 year old with a visual impairment. I cannot drive and I need a ride. You will not have to babysit me.
Of course I know nothing about my Good Samaritan except what he told me. Calculated risk. He had my number and he gave me the name of the girl at the outdoor activity group. I assume she is not pimping for some perverted sort. She sounded very sweet.
Just the same, Lin has the name and number of the guy. If I disappear, it was nice “chatting” with you all these months. Lin will give the info to the authorities .
If this works out, maybe I will see if anyone in their group is going rafting this spring! Times like this I feel as if I am truly getting my life back. It is exciting to be getting back to being me!
Just takes a boatload of dogged persistence and a positive attitude. I don’t want to go all New Age or spiritual on you, but I feel the ‘vibes’ you send out really do decide what you get back. I looked up ‘expect good things’ and I got everything from Bible verses to talk about vortexes and power places. Whoa. I mean, I loved Sedona – great, red rocks – but I am not sure I am really into sitting at a vortex to channel the energy. Just saying.
I have no idea who Brian Tracy is – he could very well be sitting on a vortex in Sedona for all I know – but he has a nice quote on a poster. The quote is this: “You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts.”
I really like that quote. You could probably find its philosophical siblings in the religious literature of whatever faith, but Tracy says it in plain English. Positive attracts positive. And the other way around.
Last thing before bed… in answer to my Mardi Gras greeting to my contact at Wills (and a laissez le bon temps rouler to you all as well!) I got told the preparation for the stem cell research is moving along but still not ready to launch. Basically positive news. I will take it.
So, to quote J.M. Barrie “ I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!”
Believe in fairies. Think positive thoughts. Create your own, little miracles. It is within your power. Vortexes or no!
Written February 14th, 2018