Best Laid Plans

I was supposed to be going on my first ‘big’ adventure today. I was supposed to take the bus to a resort town and meet my friends. Not happening. My husband has had some health complications. Probably should stay close to home. Also, no ride to the bus station at the crack of dawn.

Oh, I finally should be able to add another option to my transportation choices. I called the public transportation people AGAIN. This time I was told I would have my approval by Tuesday. Let us see what happens.

I think I told you before it is a wise idea to get these things in place before you need them. I tried. I filled out my application in early March. It is now June and still no subsidized transportation. Scary to think how it could have been if I really needed it three months ago.

Cautionary note: put things in place even if they are not needed now. You never know when they will be. Plan ahead seems to be a must when you are visually impaired.

Anyway, no trip today. I am disappointed. How to handle that? I called my Saturday morning Zumba class ride to un-cancel so I will go to class. A friend who knows my dilemma said she and her husband might be able to get me in a kayak on the river tomorrow. My favorite distress tolerance skill at work, distraction through activity. If you keep moving, the illegitimi can’t get you.

Black and white thinking says things like always and never. “I am handicapped now, so people should always satisfy my needs.” “I will never get to have any fun now that I have macular degeneration.”

Those black and white thoughts come up when there is disappointment. Best to recognize them and lose them.

When you are disappointed and thinking in absolutes, shoulds and musts, it is easy to lose perspective about other people’s situations. This is not a perfect world. Things happen. Getting angry and accusatory won’t help. No one in the world can satisfy all the needs and desires of someone else. Disappointment is inevitable.

Have I been disappointed before? I suspect I have been. Remembering I have been disappointed and lived to tell the tale can be helpful.

There was life after that disappointment and there will be life after this one. I am pretty strong and I suspect you can be too.

So here I am home when I had hoped to be on an adventure. Cannot be helped. Might as well accept it. Disappointment is part of life and I suspect the frequency rate picks up when you have a visual handicap. I have lived through disappointments before. I believe I can handle a few more.

Next: Crazed Puppy
