Bored, Bored, Bored

I have now been snuggled in my cozy, little home with bad weather outside and a sick husband in the bedroom for over 24 hours. I have consulted with Lin. I have done laundry. Vacuumed. Sorted mail. Played my game. I am going insane.

The sick husband really is not the problem. He generally crawls in a hole and either gets better…or dies. I am the problem. I cannot find a thing to engage myself. What I should do does not interest me. What I want to do? Sure the hell is not in this house.

When I am bored I want to eat. Sure sign. When I do retire I will need to watch my intake. Instead today I have been going through the diet soda. Dropped the cap and got to clean out under the couch. Howard Carter-style. Crawling on my belly and looking for ‘treasures’.

Somehow the cap had bounced onto a cluttered (I have told you numerous times I am not the domestic type) shelf. Found the cookbook there, too. Not, if that was a suggestion from the Universe, that I will take the hint.

Beastie Baby is likewise bored. She has stopped following me around…Did I mention I also bounce from task to task and room to room when I am bored? She is now on her Serta Perfect Sleeper puppy bed. Occasionally her head pops up to see if I have given in and decided to brave the elements just to get OUT of this house! If I do, she is there!

Wikihow suggests several different things that might help being bored. You can make your task into a game. Stand away from the washer and throw the dirty clothes in. Two points! And the crowd roars!

You can get creative and imaginative. Dance with the mop or the vacuum. This is Dancing with the Stars!

You can make lists and challenge yourself. How many things can you check off in the next hour? If you reach your goal, you get to reward yourself.

What did you used to enjoy? Are you able to go back to those things? Vision may not allow for some of it, but revisiting old interests can be a way of eliminating some of the tedium.

Then, of course, there are new skills and interests. Even if it is something you swore you would never get into.

I always swore I would never chase a little, white ball around all afternoon but taking a golf lesson would be better than prowling around the house like a tiger with a sore paw!  I could dig out the Wii and practice my putt. I think I have golf on my sports disk.

Right now I can handle a day like today because I know it is not the norm. I have a full week to look forward to. Even a blues concert next Sunday. The rub comes when you look at a seemingly endless series of those days one after another. Then what?

Not too sure, but I know it will have to be something and opportunities are slowly presenting themselves. For example, a larger AMD organization has expressed interest in having us do some things with them. There are opportunities if you are open to them. You – and I – just have to go looking.

….or, I could always write a blog.

Next: Call Tech Support
