Counting Toe Hairs

Hey there, hi there! I have no idea where this page is going so we will all be surprised when I get there!

Fun fact, actually fun, weird fact: Caroline Messer of Mt. Sinai Hospital says you can tell about extremity circulation by the hair on people’s toes. If you do not have fuzzy toesies you may be having circulation issues, potentially related to diabetes. Isn’t it amazing what you can learn in the internet?

So, everyone take off your slippers and see if you have hair on your toes. If you do not and do not already have a history of poor circulation in the past, you very well may have one now. Call your doctor, but do NOT say you are worried about non-fuzzy toesies! Some of us have to avoid the psych ward.?

Relevance to sight loss? Well, I could say I mentioned it because of diabetic retinopathy but that is not totally true. Sometimes I like News of the Weird.

And that said, I guess I can continue on the note of general health and also on some things that are not mainstream to Western culture. Specifically? The stuff my yogini gets into.

Right now my yogini is doing more study in energy flow. Chakras, prana, etc. I only heard the word ‘Vayu’ for the first time yesterday but I have the feeling I am going to hear it many more times.

Something she said last week was intriguing though. She said she has read a scientific article on the benefits of chanting “Om”.

Now Nicola Tesla said “if you want to find the secret of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Thinking the chanting vibration does SOMETHING would be logical.

Looking around the web I have yet to find something that has scientifically proven the benefits of vibrations. However, there are many, many people who believe in vibrational medicine. I found out chanting, Reiki, and aromatherapy are all considered to be vibrational medicine. Also light stimulation and music therapy. I know dozens of people who engage in those things (but then birds of a feather…maybe it is just me).

According to James Oschman in What is Healing Energy? Part 4: Vibrational Medicines, molecular oscillations are absorbed by the living matrix and conducted through the body. Sort of sounds like a full body ‘tune up’ (pun intended ?) on a molecular level.

Sound sensible? Yeah, to me, but with no proof I am not recommending vibrational medication as a cure for anything just yet.

Just the same…..deep breathing and chanting can be very relaxing and mindful, helping to reduce stress. “Om”, actually stretched out to “a…u…m” is sort of a cool thing because it ‘tickles’ in chest, neck and head in succession. Concentration on that progression can be a good mindfulness exercise.

And the best things about chanting? It is free and you can do it in the privacy of your own home.

One thing, though. Don’t let them catch you counting toe hairs OR chanting! You would have a lot of explaining to do and I will not be held responsible.

Next: Enjoy the Show!
