Do As I Say – Again

Do as I say. Do not do as I do.

In the interest of full disclosure I must make a confession. Moments before starting this page I ate a BLT with mayo. It was yummy. [Lin/Linda: don’t know what a BLT is?  It’s a Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich, mayo is mayonnaise.]

Now, with that off my conscience, I guess I can move on…wait, do I need to tell you about the potato chips, too? Sigh. OK. I also had potato chips.

Now…before dessert, I want to go into the topic of prostaglandins. I imagine I have heard about them before, but at the seminar I was at last Friday the presenter referred to them several times. At this seminar on chronic pain the presenter mentioned how inflammation is a big part of chronic pain. He went a bit into how prostaglandins are a precursor to inflammation.

First point: what are prostaglandins ? According to You and Your Hormones – can you imagine naming a website You and Your Hormones? Go figure – prostaglandins are a group of lipids – read fats – made at the sites of tissue damage or infection. They control inflammation, blood flow, the formation of blood clots and labor.

Prostaglandins are being investigated for their role in autoimmune disorders. There is excellent evidence there is some role there because, for one thing, substances such as NSAID pain relievers are known to reduce prostaglandins levels. If they work on your arthritis, there should be some connection; yes? Yes.

According to another source, Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease authored by Artemis Simopoulos, omega-6 fatty acids are kinda bad for inflammation. Meats and vegetable oils – read BLTs with mayo – provide really wonderful building blocks for prostaglandins and therefore inflammation. Oh, fudge! (I really like that, too!) In other words, my usual diet is fertile ground for the development of prostaglandins and, by extension, inflammation.

So why do I mention this in a blog on Age-Related Macular Degeneration (as well as everything else that intrigues my devious, little mind)? There is what seems to be building evidence for the case that AMD is an autoimmune disorder. There is evidence AMD is caused by problems with the complement immune system. Those who have been following for some time recall the complement immune system is the one that deals with non specific threats. It fights disease with fever and inflammation Hmmmm, this is all starting to come together here.

As I write, it is becoming apparent my diet may not be the best for my eyes. What the literature suggests we should be eating includes omega-3 fatty acids such as those found in fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in dark green vegetables. WikiHow suggests things such as mangoes, pomegranates and tomatoes. Tomatoes, yes! Finally, something I really love !

Anyhow, just thought I would mention this all actually makes a bit of sense. The foods we are told to eat for our eyes have been discovered to reduce prostaglandins. Prostaglandins fuel inflammation. Inflammation happens in autoimmune disease. AMD, it has been theorized, could very likely be an autoimmune disease. Voila! Neat little package.

Of course, for us whose diet consists mainly of carbs, fat and salt, this is sorrowful news. I imagine I should mend my ways. Tomorrow. Everyone should have at least one vice; right? ? After all, I did say do as I say!

Written March 28th, 2018

Next: Bedlam
