Drink Your Fluids

Hello. Doing the bachelor chick thing this evening. I ate a BIG piece of Boston cream pie and then lounged in a hot tub while watching NCIS on my iPad – strategically held outside the tub, of course. I hate drowning good electronics. (I have already killed three cell phones by drowning…one in diet Pepsi!)

I thought of taking the cake and the tablet and going to curl up in bed but then I thought that might be too decadent.

Hubby is spending the night with his mother. My mother in law does not like to drink. Water, etc. Not alcohol. She does not like to have to walk to the potty. When she gets dehydrated it messes with her system and she ends up in the emergency room half of the night.

Moral of the story: drink your fluids! No one likes to motor around when they cannot see well. It is scary, but dehydration is even scarier.

Never gave it much thought, but apparently the people at Hydration for Health think about it a lot. I found their short article to be very informative. For example, I never realized dehydration is a huge problem in the elderly. Older bodies don’t hold as much fluid as younger ones. We also don’t recognize when we need to drink as well as younger people. Dehydration is one of the top ten diagnoses of hospitalized seniors. Dehydration is associated with cognitive impairment and constipation, not to mention death.

Mommy-in-law does not have a vision impairment but she has a mobility impairment and, as I said, does not like to take herself to the potty. Ergo, she drinks very little. I am thinking some of you are the same. Maneuvering through the house with low vision – and maybe a mobility problem – may seem like more trouble than it is worth. If you don’t drink, you don’t pee. Problem solved? Only if you want to get a heck of a lot more debilitated, it is!

So, I get an evening to play bachelor chick courtesy of the mother-in-law. She got to spend half of last night in the emergency room. My husband gets to sleep on her couch tonight. All because she won’t drink her fluids. Seems sort of silly to me. I hope you guys are playing it smarter and drinking enough. Even if it means a dozen trips a day to the potty!

And since this is supposed to be an AMD blog sort of thing…I heard from my contact at the research facility. Janssen has put phase 2 of their stem cell research on hold. Why? Your guess is as good as ours. Astellas is supposed to move on their stalled, stem cell research in the early Spring. They are going to be recruiting from the subject pool starting with the people with the worst vision. There is the answer to my question of how to get on the A list. I have to go just about truly blind to qualify. No thank you. I can wait to qualify if that is what they want.

That is about it for now. Hang in there and drink your fluids!

written October 19th, 2017

Next: coming soon!
