Getting out of Dodge

Sunday. Starting another week. Time does fly. I think it does because I use my distraction skills. The big one for me, of course, is activities. That has always been my favorite. Yoga has started again. I finished The Steel Kiss, my first Talking Book. Yesterday at Walmart I saw the new Sanford novel, Extreme Prey, was out and i downloaded it from BARD. I am excited about starting that.

I looked over my lesson plan for my first DBT class since my vision loss. Cope ahead. I think of myself going in there and teaching well. I visualize myself doing a great job.

Don’t think about screwing up – ever!  Practicing failure in my head will lead to failure in real life.

I am also doing the first C in ACCEPTS. That C is contribute. Some of you are sending kind words. Thank you. That makes me know my contributions through these pages have value. It does lighten the load.

All told, things are not awful. I try to think things out ahead of time and anticipate problems before they occur. I try to swallow my frustrations and accept and correct mistakes. I also try to establish small challenges, goal, rewards along the way.

I am easily bored and need variety now and again.

Initially I had a plan to explore this town. I have lived here over 25 years but I felt for sure there were interesting places I had never seen. There are a few options but I quickly discovered there was not enough to keep me satisfied all summer long. If I were not to die of boredom, plan B was needed.

My high school friends and I have devised a plan to get me “out of Dodge”. I have never EVER been a bus person but drastic situations require drastic measures. There is a regional bus line that will take me to a resort town a ways away. The bus can get me home that evening. My friends can meet me for lunch and shopping.

Since this is a resort town, I can check on some other options. For example, renting a bike and being transported to the rails-to-trails path.

Yes, I am still determined to ride a bike! I am nothing if I am not determined.

If this trip goes well, maybe I will try something more ambitious. If I can get to NYC or Philly, I can get to the World! ?

Ok. Maybe a little ambitious for right now, but it is a thought.  See how this first trip goes.

Next: Rock Your Cares Away
