Good Knock on the Head

I am going to just prattle here for a while. I seem to be at loose ends. Cannot really get motivation to do much of anything….so I will spout nonsense to you!

Not a bad day. I was in Zumba and then yoga this morning. One of my ‘gym buddies’ and I were talking about cycling season being here soon. Being stubborn and set in my ways, I don’t wear a bike helmet.

She suggested a good knock on the head would put my eyes to right. When I told her there was not much left to put to right, she got upset and started talking about fairness.

Fairness has nothing to do with it. Except for some blood pressure issues that are hereditary, I have good health and no bad lifestyle choices that would have led to AMD. Deserve it ? No, unless you consider AMD the result of bad karma or some such thing. AMD is not a punishment. Good vision is not some sort of reward for a virtuous life. To be trite and use cliches, shit happens and it is what it is. Dwelling on what you did to deserve a progressive eye condition is counterproductive.

Still, people often want to tell me I got a bum deal. I guess I should take it in the spirit in which it was intended. They could be telling me I deserve all the bad luck I can get!

After the gym, today was errand day. Off to the drug store! My husband worships convenience and thinks I should change drug stores. Mine is close to the office but not the house. I like my pharmacist and I am not changing. Some losses are inevitable with AMD. Many are not. I am keeping my drug store.

I do try to insert variety where I can, though. Too much same old, same old drives me crazy! Lunch was chicken and snow peas. I like them and don’t often get them. There are little ways to shake things up.

Then off to get a haircut. I have become very trusting of the stylists. I have discovered you cannot micromanage people when you cannot see what is happening.

I just assume they have done a good job because I cannot see myself in their mirrors. If any of them were really perverse, I would be in trouble!

Since I have my haircut at Walmart, I hunted up the box and put two, old pairs of glasses in it. Did not actually take a lot of hunting. It was right there in front of the desk. Made me feel good to be striking a blow against preventable vision impairment. Walk the walk as well as talk the talk; ya know.

That was pretty much my day. Like I said, I have had a heck of a time getting motivated today. Played a lot of Panda Pop on my iPad.

Tomorrow the new washer comes. The piles of dirty laundry are getting a little high. As my mother used to say, we seem to be either the cleanest people there are or the dirtiest. I haven’t had a washer for a week but the piles look like they should be for a month. That should give you some idea of how I am spending tomorrow, motivated or not. I have laundry to do.

Next: coming soon!
