I am officially ‘graduating’ from all sorts of services. The tech guy cut me loose long ago. I would absolutely love to have more toys but I cannot get too greedy. Leave some money for other people to have neat things.
The O&M guy graduated me after the third meeting. I have to say I did not see the need to meet again either. Most of his stuff is ‘white cane stuff’. I do not yet need a cane but I got the lessons when the proverbial getting was good. Never know when I will work my way to the top of the list again. Might be a long wait.
I don’t think the O&M guy actually MINDED working with me but I think I was a bit if a challenge. Saturday we went ‘off-roading’ on a tractor path in the pouring down rain and Sunday we walked around town nearly two solid hours. I am not thinking your ‘average’ visually impaired person does those things in mobility lessons ?.
Walking in town I learned some things like always use the signal button and wait for the traffic to pass even when they are yelling for you to cross. If you need to find the walk/don’t walk sign with a monocular you can follow the zebra striping of the cross walk to find the pole and then look up the pole until you can see the signal. I also found out that the walking directions on my phone’s GPS won’t let me go more than 15 yards or so out of my way before it corrects me. That was reassuring.
The habilitation person (we should have been calling her a Vision Rehabilitation Therapist or VRT; sorry!) brought the last of my presents from her today. Not seeing any needs there right now so I have been cut loose from her services, too. I asked if she has any ideas I could pass along to you folks to please email me.
The habilitation person/VRT did share a couple of gems today. One was the
Light Angel motion detecting lights. The habilitation person/VRT said some people mount these close to the floor and use them to light the way back and forth to the bathroom at night. The lights are battery-powered and cost about $13 each. You know where you can get them.
The Ott Flip Lite opens like an old flip phone. This one is $14.00 you-know-where. I just ordered one for in my purse so I will let you know.
Purse! That is what else I wanted to say. Get a fashionable backpack and wear it on your back if you are planning cane travel. Purse in one hand and cane in the other was a bit much.
OK. Gotta roll. See ya! (Maybe?)
written 8/27/2016