I am capable of throwing one, fine pity party. Nothing is going my way. Everyone hates me, and I will never be able to cope with this! [Lin/Linda: We’ll have a little sing along about this at the end of the page. ::grin::]
There are some days I would be just as happy to retire to my bed with a half a gallon of chocolate ice cream and a spoon -don’t forget the spoon! – as well as a full box of tissue – you don’t want to get your ice cream soggy! I just want to eat myself into oblivion and cry myself to sleep. To face this all the next day…
Dry AMD is a long campaign involving loss after loss. I have been living with – surviving, tolerating, whatever – this condition for over two-and-a-half years now and it can be damn discouraging. What do you do when you are out of ice cream and have to face reality? How do we get back to an even keel?
First of all, let’s look at your physical state. Are you sleeping well? Eating well? Exercising? Taking care of illness? We all know things do not go as well when we are physically out of sorts. If you want to tolerate your vision loss better, take your allergy medication. Walk the stairs. Eat your vegetables! A fit and healthy you is a more tolerant you.
As much as we are hoping and praying and looking every day for a treatment, the name of the game right now is tolerance. How do I tolerate today? …and today? …and today? Sometimes it comes down to how do I tolerate this moment. Depends on the day.
We have talked about distress tolerance skills in other posts. They should be available through a simple search of the website. Quickly here, I want to mention avoiding a black and white attitude in your interpretation of situations. Is it really true that nothing ever goes your way and everyone hates you? Is it true you will never be able to cope? Absolutely are rare in life. If you have even once been successful in coping, that means there is a chance it can happen again. Don’t be so quick to dismiss yourself.
Interpretations are extremely important. The lens we look through upon the world is critical. Try to look at the bright side. Maybe today is one day closer to a substantive treatment, not one more day that must be endured on the way to the grave. It is all in the spin, doctor. Reinterpret and reframe again and again.
And last of all for this page, stop wasting energy fighting reality. No, it is not fair. Somewhere along the line, someone told you life is not fair. You should believe him. Bad things happen to good people and this time it was your turn. Why? Dunno. Back to Alfred Lord Tennyson, “Ours is not to reason why. Ours is but to do and die.” Make the best of a bad situation. Put your energy towards things that can be affected, not towards things that cannot.
Maybe the meaning in your suffering will be a classic poem. Could be worse.
[Lin/Linda: As promised: sing along with the video “Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me, Think I’ll Go Eat Worms!”]
Written August 20th, 2018