Wednesday. Morning! I am in the pre-vacation rush. Not quite ready to pack and get my head in vacation mode but trying to put as much at home ‘to bed’ as I can. Last evening I spent two hours working on stuff for school. Even with that and whatever else I can do in downtime, it is going to be a crunch to beat deadlines when I get back.
To top things off my CCTV died yesterday. What a glorious mess that has been! I tried calling everyone I could think of. Blindness and Visual Services have two loaners and they are both out. The district has nothing and the educational resource organization that serves the district has nothing. I even called the local college. Nothing. The local assistive technology store did call me back but by that time I had a line on some help from Eschenbach.
I have to hand it to Eschenbach. They have helped me several times in the past and they are coming through for me now. I have a loaner machine coming along with an authorization for repairs for my machine. I am hoping the repairs will be done for when I have to go back to work in two weeks.
In the meantime, I got a lot of help today. When you cannot see, adding columns of numbers on tests can be a challenge. I asked several people to check my work. Better to be safe than sorry. Did not do too badly but I would not want to try to function that way every day.
Lesson? Nothing new really. I just needed to advocate for myself and keep pushing until I got the help I needed. Somebody often knows somebody who knows somebody who might have an idea about someone else. Consider it a quest!
People care. BVS called today to see how I was coming along. They had been working their contacts for me, too. Just did not have a lot of luck.
I guess that that is another point. Don’t burn bridges. Be appreciative. All those things they taught in Sunday School or your Sunday School Equivalent. People will put forth effort for people they like. Smile!?
I find it a bit distressing, however, that I had to reach out two states away for help. Eschenbach is in Connecticut. I would love to have resources a little closer to home. The guy from the vision store suggested I contact the local blind association. Not sure if the Office on Aging or some other such thing could have been of help. Probably need to inquire. Now that this has happened I feel as if I need a viable disaster plan for when it happens again.
So that was my day. Not an easy day at work but sort of gratifying. My problem is going to be solved. People cared and were trying to help. I would have liked to have laid my hands on a ‘spare’ within the hour, of course, but that was probably unrealistic.
I can limp along for the next few days.
Written October 25th, 2017