My O & M guy asked if I had ever heard of something called the Victor Reader Stream. Nope. How about you?
I did a search and the first thing I learned is it is about $370. OK. What do you get for your $370?
According to the ad, the Victor Reader Stream is a “handheld media player for the Blind and visually impaired.” It plays DAISY books,” ….stop, DAISY books?
According to their website DAISY stands for Digital Accessible Information System. DAISY is supposed to be superior to the regular talking books because it has search and navigation features. In other words, you don’t have to listen to every word on every page to find what you are looking for.
I searched for ways of downloading the app or signing up for the service or whatever you have to do. Unless you could consider me a small country, I did not learn much that would be useful. It appears your nation joins and then allows its citizens with print disabilities free use of the service. If anybody knows anything about it, let us know. I will try asking around.
Back to the ad “[It plays DAISY books,] MP3 and 4 as well as EPUB file formats.” …stop again. EPUB?
Not surprisingly, EPUB is short for ‘electronic publication’. It is file format that allows all sorts of things. These include bookmarking, highlighting and re-sizeable font. It may already be on many of your devices.
The Victor Reader Stream allows for accessing Internet Radio. it is possible to listen to thousands of radio stations from all over the world on this device.
The Victor Reader Stream also has an audio recorder. It is possible to record class lectures and meeting. This feature and all of the rest are supposed to be on a device the size of an old style transistor radio.
And that is what I found out about the Victor Reader Stream. I vouch for nothing I wrote. I do not own one and I never used one. It was mentioned to me. It sounded interesting. I am mentioning it to you.
We are getting nothing for mentioning this product. Once again, we make no money on this site but we stand ready to promote things we have tried and believe in. This is especially true should there be a cash reward?.
If you buy a Victor Reader Stream and you don’t like it, don’t blame me. I heard about it and did a search. I did not tell you to buy one.
If you buy one and – like it or otherwise – want to make a comment about it, we would love to hear it. Remember our purpose here is to disperse knowledge. We also try to support one another on this crazy AMD journey. Feel free to share what you know.
“I shall pass this way but once; any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not deter nor neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” – Stephen Grelletj