Mess of Topics

How about a conglomeration this time? Excellent synonym for a mixed up mess of topics.

OK. Payment methods. That article just went into several different kinds of secure (we hope) payment systems that have sprung up since all of the credit card fraud and hacking has been occurring. These systems put an extra layer between your information and the outside world. Example: PayPal. I am betting most of you know MUCH more about them than I do.

Second topic: an observation I have made about myself recently is how little I actually wear my glasses any more. I am not finding them all that useful. Sort of discouraging considering this is the pair with all the bells and whistles and set me back $841!

I find the bifocals are not helpful at all when I am trying to read. The far point correction does not help either.

What works best with the CCTV and the zoom on the iPad is to ‘naked eye’ it. Anyone else experiencing that?

Oh, iPad. While I am thinking about it, I want to mention I just upgraded the system on my iPad mini. I think they enhanced the pinch and zoom feature. I tried to find something addressing it online but could not find anything. Just the same I believe zoom is working a couple of places it did not before. Writing my emails for example. I also think it zooms a little larger. I have been using the zoom window feature from the accessibility menu less since the upgrade. That feature can get a little flippy on me. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes you push a little too hard and your screen goes flying off. Maybe this will be a better option.

[Lin/Linda here:  There are several new accessibility features in iOS Version 10. Here’s an article with 4 of them.  One of the new features allows your iPhone camera to become an electronic magnifier. Here’s how to set it up.]

That was third topic. Back to the second topic I also find I don’t mind the gap (apologizes to the Londoners out there. I could not resist the pun) in my vision so badly if I don’t wear my specs. I have been myopic for over 50 years and without my glasses the fuzzy caused by the GA blends in with the rest of the blur. Strangely normalizing for me.

Bringing up another stray thought. Do you think people with a history of crappy eye sight adapt better to the problems of AMD and visual impairment in general? It would make sense.

Topic last: I am still trying soooo hard to turn my mind and adapt to this new reality. It is killing me! In case you have not figured this out (a little slow on the uptake? ?), I like to take charge. I think I have great ideas! Stepping back and letting others take the lead on this fitness community party thing is ridiculously hard. Can I run around freely and do what needs to be done? Ahhh, no. Therefore can I take the lead? Not really. Still want to. Old war horse here. What a momentous pain in the tush is AMD!

Next: I Am Not a Doctor
