A Minor Epiphany

Not exactly on assignment right now. I want to run something past you…

Every once in a while, the stars align. The penny drops. Whatever metaphor you wish to use, I have a minor epiphany. OK, wait for it…(sound of penny dropping)!

It is the beginning of a new year. Everyone is making resolutions that will be promptly broken.

Actually, make that nearly everyone. I gave them up years ago. Resolutions are rather superficial phenomena. They generally get us nowhere…except, perhaps, for giving us guilt for not being able to stick to them. [Lin/Linda: I’ve given them up for the same reason!]

Also, since I have been teaching dialectic behavior therapy (DBT), I have come to realize resolutions are very judgmental. They wag their fingers at us and point out – repeatedly – how we need to improve. Is it any wonder most people want to part company with resolutions as soon as possible?

Add to the concept resolutions are judgmental, and ergo ineffective, two other things. One came again from DBT and the other came from yoga class. Yep, two of my favorite sources of things to ponder once again.

DBT has added values clarification to what we are to teach. Many of my clients have a lack of direction in their lives. Being able to define their values can give people direction. I have been pondering how I want to squeeze values clarification into an already crowded agenda. Values have been on my mind.

Add to that the “lesson” we had in yoga this morning. We were taught a little about sankalpa.

According to Catriona Pollard writing for MBG, sankalpa is intention. It can be as simple as one word, the affirmation of a value you want to include in your life. Having this intention and keeping it in your mind every day will help to manifest it into reality. Instead of putting yourself on a path of denial and pain, you are putting yourself on the path to growth.

Sankalpa allows for acceptance of faults. It allows for compassion for the self. It allows for slow progress.

Identify your value. Manifest it in one, simple act a day and you are on your way. Hey, it worked for the Cowardly Lion. What other testimonial do we need?!?

What value/virtue do you want to manifest in 2019? Do you need compassion for yourself when you fumble with something? Practice loving kindness with your mistakes. Do you want to be brave in the face of vision loss or frightening treatments? Tell yourself you are brave and then walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Manifest your values through a simple act everyday and you will find you possess that virtue. Not bad. Not bad at all.

So there is my epiphany for today. What do you think? Hopefully it will be one more way for you to find your way through the travails associated with vision loss. Personally, I like it a lot better than resolutions for giving up chocolate chip cookies and ice cream, but that’s me.

Catch you later!

Written December 31st, 2018