My Soapbox

October 18th and it is above 80! Not sure what is happening. Global warming?

Anyway, I have an offer to go to the last, open-air yoga session of the season. Sold!

People are too dang good to me and I love it! I would be a sniveling lump in the corner without everyone’s support. I don’t do well twiddling my thumbs.

Worked hard all day. I am thinking I goof off less now because I have something to prove…or I think I have to try harder so they get value for their dollar and to make up for my disability or something! Be that as it may, a few things got done. You know how it is: nothing is ever straight forward. 27 things you need for the job have to be found or fixed before you can get one thing done.

I was at a conference yesterday. Six continuing education credits down and 24 to go! At least I am doing better than I was.☺

They said they were going to have a low table for me. No such luck and I ended up sitting on the floor again. I arranged my Justand, papers, diet Pepsi, etc, around me and got as comfortable as I could.

Thank goodness I am a floor sitter from way back. Learned a lesson, though: don’t expect a table even if they promise you one.

The Justand caused a stir. People asked about it and I gave out the website address a few times. Everyone has a mother, a brother or a cousin with AMD, it seems.

Lin and I have decided it is time for business cards. Ain’t we just so professional??

I guess the lesson from yesterday was to not be afraid to talk about your vision. People are receptive. They are helpful. For every one of us out there in the world trying to make it, how many are there huddled at home, depressed and afraid? How many have no idea of the support that is available? I am thinking it is part of our job to make sure the word gets out. Also, lead by example.

OK. Off my soapbox, but I thought I was rather stirring!?

And speaking of supports, I emailed my low vision specialist today. I wanted to know how to get a replacement for my Max TV lenses. The one lens has fallen off about a dozen times and now it won’t focus well.

I have to return the bad pair and she is mailing me a replacement. Yippee!  She said she has never had a pair break before. What can I say? My husband always says I am hard on parts!

Gotta get ready for yoga. Chat with you later!

Next: when I am old
