Charity Starts at Home

Forgive me, guys, for I have sinned. I caught myself not practicing what I preach.

I was hunting my glare glasses…again. I was hot on the trail going in to check lost and found at Cracker Barrel. (Found my glasses at the bank. They now have a cord.) There was a middle-aged woman with an older woman trying to go into the restaurant.

The middle-aged woman looked frazzled. I could see why. The older woman was obviously visually impaired. I am not clairvoyant but I assumed she had macular degeneration. She was wearing a pair of inexpensive sunglasses and carrying a regular wooden cane. The woman was ‘stomping’ the cane up and down in front of her. With her feet she was high stepping like she was racing through a course of truck tires!

The middle-aged woman was trying to keep the door open and shove the older woman through all at the same time. I held the door for them and went about my mission. Find those glare glasses!

Later I thought “Dear God!” What a mass of ignorance about basic travel techniques I had just seen (Of course, I have had one O&M lesson so I am an expert!??). Then I thought I probably should have offered some advice. Then I thought, who am I to offer advice? How would they have taken it from a stranger?

Still not sure how I should have handled it. Maybe the entrance to Cracker Barrel was not the place. Maybe I should make up cards for the website. Hmmmm.

After feeling vaguely guilty about not offering any substantive assistance, I got upset with everyone else! (Projection is a wonderful defense mechanism!) What doctor sees these women bumble into his office and does not make a referral for some basic skill training? Why would the younger woman not realize there is a better way than manhandling the older woman through the door? And even… I am sure the older woman has seen the competent blind. Why did she not seek some training when she started to lose her sight?????

OK.  So I am blaming the victim maybe. Maybe trying not to feel so guilty. Yes, I should have said something. HOWEVER I also think I have a point. Charity, as it were, starts at home. Our professionals, our families and our own selves have a responsibility to take the proverbial bull by the horns and take care of things.

I applaud you reading these pages. You have taken up your own cause. You are proactive in tackling your own problems. I don’t know most of you, but I am proud of you.

Not necessarily proud of myself about that situation. Probably should have said something. I wonder how much cards would cost?

Next: Namaste
