News Briefs

Dreary Saturday. It is cold and rainy. The chill gets into my very core. I would rather have a foot of snow than this stuff but then no one ever asks me. Also, a lot of people really don’t appreciate my preference for snow! Obviously not skiers.

All afternoon I have been curled up on the couch with my iPad. Decadent. Really don’t like to do this but I wanted to finish a BARD book I had started and I was working on level 1005 on Panda Pop. Make that STILL working on level 1005. Not going so well.

Anyway, I do need to mend my wanton ways…later.

My email is full of news briefs from eye sites. ? There is a ton of information out there. One article sent me was Specific gene variants play role in response to Anti-VEGF treatment. Once more it appears our genes are our destiny, at least for now.

We all know medicine is headed towards ‘personalization’. There is evidence for a vitamin supplement/genotype interaction and now it appears there may be an interaction between your ‘eye shots’ and your genotype. A study in Spain grouped together good responders and poor responders to ranibizumab (Lucentis). Then they did genetic testing on the two groups. Guess what. Genetically these two groups were significantly different. The genes that responded well were thought to be CFB, VEGFA and VEGFR1. Poor respondents had certain variants of SERPINF1 and CFH.

Among the non-genetic markers? Smoking and high blood pressure were both associated with poor outcomes.

In coming years it should be interesting to see what is going to happen between genetic testing and privacy rights. Also with genetic testing and attempts to withhold services. Will you have to pay more for insurance if you have ‘bad’ genes? Thinking I may be glad if I miss THAT aspect of our brave new world. also reported the Argus II was recently implanted in the eye of a man with retinitis pigmentosa in Singapore. Remember RP people are generally ‘big B’ blind. This thing is not for us who have comparatively good vision.

And for our friends with RP here in the States, Medicare will now pay for the Argus II in 28 states, two territories and DC. Recognition of such innovations as ‘medically necessary’ is paving the way for other innovations that will be coming. Read, accepting the Argus II for RP patients will ‘soften up’ policy makers so they are more likely to pay for things we as AMD patients will be able to use. I find that a lovely thought. (So I am manipulative, conniving and self-centered. Wanna make something of it?)

Pretty much it for now. I have not done much today and I am feeling like a bit of a waste of space. Need to accomplish something. Maybe just one more shot at that level in Panda Pop? ?

Written February 24th, 2018

Next: Keep an Open Mind
