No Respect

Anybody remember Rodney Dangerfield?   His catchphrase was “I get no respect”.

Although I have at times thought that dry AMD was being treated as the proverbial red-headed stepchild, I have always tried to talk myself out of that attitude. The people with wet have real problems. They are one bleed away from blindness. It makes sense they would work for a cure for them first.

However, I finally found someone who at least in part shares my concern. Philip Rosenfeld  down at Bascom-Palmer feels the same way. He doesn’t think dry AMD gets any respect either!

Rosenfeld talked about how all of the clinical research seems to have been focused on wet AMD. However, the truth of the matter is good responders to Anti-VEGF and dry AMD folks alike just keep getting blinder. Rosenfeld remarked how atrophy after ‘eye shots’ and dry AMD has become the most common causes of vision loss from AMD.

Rosenfeld – bless him! – goes on to say the effects of dry AMD are  ‘underappreciated’. Go, Philip! You tell ’em, buddy!

The functional vision loss associated with macular atrophy can be devastating. Okay, so we don’t have these dramatic crises like the wet people but that doesn’t mean we are not suffering. Dry AMD folks have feelings, too.

In addition Rosenfeld goes on to say the proof that dry AMD – and I quote – “never got the respect it deserved” can be found in the International Classification of Disease codes. Dry AMD was seen as so unimportant that there were  no subclassifications.  That is sort of like saying cancer without assigning a type or a stage.  Does the patient have stage 1 skin cancer and we remove the offending spot in the dermatology office or is it stage 4 bone cancer?  Doesn’t matter. It is just cancer.

Once again Rosenfeld notes the societal impact slowing macular atrophy will have. He remarked that vision loss has real impact on quality of life and it is much more than reading letters on an eye chart.

For example, I could not read the forms given to me at the veterinarian’s yesterday. I asked for help. (In case you did not notice, I am trying to be a good role model here. Do ask for help!) Multiple the three minutes the clerk took to help me by 1,000. How about 10,000? That is 500 man hours the people who are helping us could be doing other things!  Good grief.

Rosenfeld then went on to talk about how it has finally dawned on some researchers that we really may be having – and causing – some real problems.  Enter the studies they are now trying to slow the progress of dry AMD.

Lampalizumab looked promising but died in the stretch. Horse racing idiom there.

APL2 is getting a lot of hype. Just the same, there are concerns. As we saw, some people who saw the PowerPoint presentation on the drug  decided “this horse is lame”. (Coming from my heritage, I prefer “that dog don’t hunt” but the idea is the same and I really did not want to mix my references ?) [Sue wrote about this in her page Another $64,000 Question.]

Rosenfeld opined that failure of APL2 to produce any substantive functional vision differences may lead to the question of when to intervene with dry AMD. Rosenfeld seemed to suggest early intervention may be better than late.

Me? I am with Rosenfeld. We know where this stuff leads. There is no question of the potential endpoint. I say nip it in the bud! Treat early!

But who am I? Just somebody with a disease that gets no respect.

Written April 1st, 2018

Next: Behold the Turtle
