Reading Modern Retina

Never thought I would be skimming back issues of Modern Retina, but here I am! Let us get back to some of the science stuff.

Amyloid beta is a major component of plague found in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s. There has been some suspicion AMD and Alzheimer’s are related at a genetic level. A recent study completed by Cheryl Guttman Krader failed to show any positive effects of injecting an antibody that targets amyloid beta into the eyes of those of us with geographic atrophy.

For the time being this means this line of inquiry will be abandoned or re-worked. Proof of concept did not occur and these researchers might go on to investigate something else.

Why are negative findings good news? One less blind alley to investigate! Since we don’t know which ideas may bear fruit, they all have to be investigated. Eventually we get to only the ones that have the most promise. Scientific method.

And another reason I think this finding is good news? It sort of suggests the Alzheimer’s and AMD connection may not be so cut and dry. Phew!

Here is another failure in proof of concept. Aflibercept is called Eylea when it is used as an inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF – read “one of the things that makes the extra veins grow in AMD”). Michelle Dalton tried implanting stem cells in the eyes of patients who had been getting Aflibercept. She hoped the stem cell would produce the natural vascular endothelial growth factor and make the shots unneeded.

Unfortunately, many more patients than she had hoped required rescue doses of the drug. However, she also had people who kept the stem cells alive and these imported new stem cells did produce some of the Anti-VEGF molecule. Quantities were just too far below a therapeutic dose.

While this may be a failed experiment on the face of things, it is not all bad. Knowing there was some production of the desired molecules means this procedure may be very helpful once they figure out why it worked the little bit it did. Magnifying that effect may lead to fewer injections.

Last one, David S. Boyer wrote a review on multiple strategies being investigated for treating dry AMD. While many protective strategies for our photoreceptors and RPEs have failed, one they are still looking at with interest is brimonidine, brand name Allergen. Allergen is once again an intravitreally administered drug. (That is needle in the eye. We appear to be destined to join our wet AMD friends in that fate!) Coming out of phase 1 trials, brimonidine looks good. Next for it is phase 2, proof of concept. Will it perform as hoped?

Glatiramer acetate is looking good for reducing drusen. Glatiramer is used to treat multiple sclerosis, a disease in which the immune system wears away at the covering on the nerves. The theory is that glatiramer acts as a decoy to mitigate the autoimmune reaction. This treatment is based on the idea AMD really is an autoimmune disease.

There has been some evidence glatiramer reduces drusen, but Dr. Boyer warned us drusen can become fewer on their own. Drusen regression.

And that is a topic for another page.

written June 26th, 2017

Next: Holy Steve Austin, Batman!




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