Back to school tomorrow. Christmas vacation is nearly over. We are already two days into the new year.
Saturday after our Zumba ‘party’ was yoga. My yogini was more reflective. She asked what we would like to make less room for in our lives and what we would like to make more room for. That was to be our ‘resolution’.
I throw the questions out to you as well. What do you want to spend less time and energy on in 2017?
I spent a whole lot of 2016 time and energy on worry and running twice as hard just to stay in place. Getting services, finding transportation, etc. Things fell apart and a good part of my year was spent trying to piece them back together. Although I understand I will never leave that totally behind, I would like to do a whole less of that.
What do you want to spend more time and energy on this year? I would like to start moving ahead again. Not sure what that might entail, exactly.
I very much hope to get into one of the studies. I want to be able to write about it here and maybe even speak about the experience. I see things evolving here.
Not sure where, but I want to take some trips. I want to see and experience more and even if I were not losing my vision, time is running out. The comfort factor seems to be more and more competing with the adventure factor when I look at destinations. Not sure when I started to get old but it is happening.
Crazy as it may sound, I would like to go forward from here with a little grace. I would like a little serenity in my style. Not being quite so flappable.
How to do that? Not sure. Acceptance. Faith in whatever you have faith in. This is not my fault. This is not my father’s fault. This is not God’s fault. Shit happens. The measure of a man is not taken when everything is going right but when everything is going wrong. Competitive to the core, I don’t want to be found lacking.
So what are you going to try to do a lot less of? Spend less time and energy on? What are you putting in its place? What do you feel you need to do to make 2017 valuable to you? This is your chance to make your choice.