I am trying to balance out my weekend a bit. So far it has been a lot of fun and games. Of course, there is nothing wrong with fun and games…just occasionally I have to remember I am a grown-up!?
Laundry in the machine. Living room swept. Time for a page.
As I said last page, the Facebook group will be discussing coping with “all that bad news”. Now, I was not immune to the sinking feeling that comes with thinking you are going blind.
I spent an afternoon imaging the worst “I’m blind” scenario I could imagine. It was too depressing so I traded that scenario in for a better one. That one suited me better. That one had the aforementioned fun and games.
How did I do it? Stubborn as a Missouri mule and a born optimistic. I had also called for “help!” I had not read the WebMD article Coping with Vision Loss but I ended up doing much of what that article suggested.
For example, Lin and I were both researching in earnest. Each of us is a born student. Have a problem? Research the hell out of it! Things you know something about are a lot less scary than the unknown. I would suspect every one of you is a master of the horror story when it comes to vision loss. Shedding some light on the condition will reduce the horror.
WebMD suggests professional, psychological help. Uh, I am professional, psychological help. And when I was not my own, best therapist, about half of my friends are in the biz. Nothing formal, but, honey, I can talk!
I don’t think I have to tell you to allow yourself to grieve your loss. You are doing that. But remember, grief waxes and wanes and when you are not actively grieving you need to get moving. Use what energy you have to develop coping strategies.
We have talked about ‘toys’ and trainings for low vision. There are all sorts of options available. The WebMD article has a list not that different from what we have talked about. In bigger cities you might be able to get into lend/lease programs so you can try out a few, equipment options. If you need financial help, talk to government or service organizations. We have mentioned program such as state vision services as well as the Lions Club International and Center for Independent Living just to mention three.
That is pretty much what WebMD had to say. I found an article discussing a formal study of those losing their sight. I have to look at it more carefully and I will get back to you. Right now the dryer cycle is finished. Gotta advance the laundry. For now, hope this helped!
Written 2/19/2018