Song of the Lark

Allow me to reiterate: I hate mornings. I hate getting up before the sun. My body feels like death warmed over. I cannot really eat much. I am in slow motion.

This morning I was picked up around 7 again. I was going 20 minutes away and did not have to be there until 8:30. It was a total and complete pain.

Unfortunately, no one is going to change for me. I think I actually talked to a management type at the transit company. Forbid my sexist attitude but over the years I have discovered men don’t usually answer phones and schedule rides for a living. He was all smiles and platitudes and had no intention of doing a damn thing about my morning problem. Fat lot of help he was.

If I am going to survive a life full of mornings I am going to have to change a few habits. Tough job that.

I found a 29 point tip list on Zen Habits. The author is Leo Babauta. Not sure I would like him. He talks about how he lost weight and ran three marathons. He also became organized, focused and out of debt. Really? I have to admit I like my people with a few rough edges. Makes me feel more at home.

Anyway, my personal preferences aside, Leo put forth a list of things that I can do to make myself into a morning person. You can refer to it in total if you are making some hard habit changes but I will just highlight a few things in the….250….words I have left (remember reading takes some of us 6x as long now!)

First, I need to remember KISS: keep it simple, stupid. No elaborate plans. Also, just one habit at a time. If I want to get out the door faster, I should just start by picking out my clothes the night before or going to bed earlier or filling the dishwasher at night, not in the morning. Don’t try to do it all at once.

I can also start small. Aim to get to bed 15 minutes earlier, not two hours!

Making it real can help. Writing it all down can make it more real. It also helps to tell other people. That way you are more accountable and you have someone to nag you.

Another thing he suggested was to be aware of self talk. I complain loudly and identify myself as a night owl. I like listening to my little, hooty buddy a lot more than I enjoy the song of the lark. Unfortunately those thoughts are not going to help me to become a morning person. I need to turn my mind (DBT alert!) towards becoming a morning person and away from my identity as a night owl.

Leo has a couple of dozen more idea on breaking habits. Check them out at the source.

For me? I just got a reprieve. The van comes at 8:15!

Next: Four Letter Words
