I tend to be pretty optimistic. I have said a couple of dozen times that this is the best time in history to be going blind and I stand by that. Because, you know what? It is only getting better!
A recent piece in healio featured APL-2. APL-2 met expectations in phase 2 clinical trials (proof of concept) and is rounding the base headed into phase 3. Go, APL-2!
Results of the phase 2 trials were, obviously, promising. There was a 29% reduction in the rate of growth of geographic atrophy lesions when APL-2 was administered monthly.
It is possible within a year or so dry AMD will no longer be considered a disease with no treatment. In other words, there will be a lot more hope.
Now granted, these treatments are not cures. But they are better than nothing. Nothing being pretty much what we have now. Would you prefer to go blind in 7.5 years or so without the treatment or in 9 or 10 years with the treatment? Yep. Thought so.
Admittedly, some subjects developed wet AMD with the treatment. Nasty side effect but they will work on that. It did not happen to a large number of folks.
As I have also said before, discoveries build on what came before. The APL-2 study targeted the C3 complement factor and got results. This lends further credence to the theory AMD is a function of the complement immunity system. There is now a strong suggestion we have the right target. There will soon be other treatments ‘leveled’ at that target. More progress will be made.
Phase 3 studies are to start sometime in 2018. According to the Apellis announcement they will be recruiting 1,200 subjects divided among several locations. I looked at clinicaltrials.gov but there is nothing yet listed. Be sure to watch that site for developments. Also, talk to your retinologist about getting into the study pretty dang soon. Lin told me one of the face book members has already been approached by her doctor. There are only 1,200 slots. “Supplies are limited, so act now!”?
Lin/Linda: Since sue wrote this page there has been additional, potentially contradictory information come to light. As usual, we would ask you to gather all necessary information for yourself and make an informed choice on any treatment. We are only one of many sources. And us? We have a few leads and will be following up on the contradictory information. Lin and Sue, girl detectives at your service! Stay tuned and if you have any clues, please share.
And if you want to advance scientific knowledge without subjecting yourself to an experimental treatment, the NEI is looking for subjects for a natural history study. Several measures will be taken, including genetic testing. They will be documenting the natural development of AMD and seeing if they can see any patterns and/or relationships. Not the type of study that will actually treat its subjects, but if you are needle phobic, it might be for you. Remember, Sun Tzu said if you know your enemy and you know yourself you do not have to fear the battle. This study, also discussed in healio, is being designed to let us know the enemy. Knowing yourself is your own problem!
So that is that for now. Hope you are staying positive. This really is the best time in history to be going blind!
Written March 3rd, 2018