Tales from the Wet Side: Part 4 The Future’s So Bright

The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades by Jennifer Poole
The title is a one-hit-wonder by a band called Timbuk3 in 1986. The songwriter claimed it was written with a grim intent, having to wear shades to protect from the effects of nuclear radiation after war. Since I love to sing and co-opt songs for my own purposes, I’m wearing my shades to shield myself from a bright future of treatments for macular diseases of all kinds. Plus – wearing sunglasses is important retinal protection.

After recently discussing my treatment options and future with my retinal specialist, he agreed to make some changes to the frequency of treatments, to hold the fluid leakage at bay. Afterward, he spoke to me intently to make these encouraging points:

  1. My response to Lucentis is very good, and my visual acuity is still good with glasses, so he isn’t concerned with my progress to date.
  2. He very clearly stated that the current treatment options for wet MD are about to change, within years. He talked directly about new medicines that are more effective or combinations that work more effectively together. And the development of slow-release mechanisms where treatment can be given at long intervals, like a year, and drug exposure is constant through that time. This is coming soon!!
  3. Other research going on, (very vague and I’m assuming he’s referring to stem cells or other unconventional treatments) is very active and the options in the next many years is going to change a lot.

My message to everyone in this group is – Don’t give up! Have hope! The future holds as much magic (science actually) as it did 15 years ago when Wet MD meant blindness, period.

Next: Tales from the Wet Side: Part 5 Not Afraid

Previous: Tales from the Wet Side: Part 3 I’m a Person, Too!

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