I admit many faults in these pages. One of my many faults is enjoying saying “I told you so!”
OK, that’s out of the way, Lin suggested I write a page admitting I have run out of things to write about. My muse has taken a vacation. I have had very few clues what to write about and I have been grasping at any and all ideas.
I have also gotten busy again. The girl has all sorts of crazy things on the calendar. Lots of work and more than my fair share of play. Many years ago I decided I would go to my death-bed with very few regrets. I don’t like to say “I wish I had”.
As opposed to liking to say “I told you so!’ bringing me back to my topic. Lin said I did not need to worry. She said I would never run out of idea. Ha! Sometimes she knows me very well and sometimes she doesn’t.
The point is this: I am in a place that is almost the normal (and I use that word very tongue in cheek) me. I am living MY life. I am not living a pale substitute nor am I always settling for second or third best. My life is full.
And I am doing it visually impaired.
Is this state of affairs going to last? I sincerely doubt it. I am 64 and ridiculously, blessedly healthy. May not last. I know the 64 part is not going to last. Where do the years go? Weren’t we just 24 yesterday?
I have dry AMD with geographic atrophy. My blur is not too bad. With my toys I make do. The only thing I really (really, really) miss is driving and my support system is beyond awesome. Will my vision worsen? Probably. Will I not be able to participate as I would like? Dunno. Perhaps. Probably?
But if and when my vision does get worse, I will have a lot of thoughts about that new part of the journey. Probably be back to writing every day for a while. In many ways these pages have been my therapy. I will need to vent.
In the meantime we are again looking for people with something to say. People who are in the throes of the battle instead of on R&R for a while. Some people who can help others through the journey by sharing their unique experiences.
Until we find these people, Lin will republish earlier pages. I will occasionally chime in with something new, mostly informational at this point. Be assured I will not hope to have a decline in vision just so I have something to write about! I am hoping this lull lasts for a very long time.
There we are. I am out of ideas. I told you so!
Written September 26th, 2017
Next: Not As Cut and Dried