Hi. Sunday and the snow is coming down! All day I have been fighting “it’s snowing! I don’t have to do my work! We will have a day off tomorrow!”
That’s me, by the way. There are no school-aged kiddos in this house. I have been fighting procrastination ever since the snow started around noon. Did manage to get some of my ‘homework’ done. One report written. I don’t want to think about how many more to go!
So, taking time to write a quick page before going on to report #2. I got one of my mymacularjournal.com ‘homework’ assignments back from Lin. Full of ‘red marks’! “Did you mention this? How about that?” Good grief!
I told her I would blame my having to do this page on her.? So there. [Lin/Linda: What can I say…we have high standards here. ::grin::]
Here we go…what has survived the test of time redux.
First of all: these are not advertisements. There are plenty and PLENTY of other products that mostly likely work as well. These are the ones I tried and they worked for me. I have no investment in any of this stuff. If you use other things and like them better, make a comment, write a page. We want to hear. Also, caveat emptor. If you buy something and “hate it!”, it’s not my fault. These are not recommendations.
Now that that is out of the way…my CCTV is from Low Vision International. The model is the Magnilink Zip 17. The 17 is for the screen size. Lin wanted me to tell you what I have and like but, remember, there are probably dozens of others. The big selling point for this one is it is portable. Maybe about 20 pounds including the case. It goes to school. It goes to the office. It goes home. Good deal. Don’t need portable? Maybe this one is not for you.
Lin also wanted me to mention the iPad with the Justand. I seldom use it but if you cannot get someone to plop down $3500 for you to get a CCTV? The iPad on the Justand is a viable alternative. [Sue wrote about the inexpensive Justand that holds the iPad above what you want to look at. You can see the image on the screen and can enlarge it as needed. Her page Good Stuff Cheap.]
Why do I seldom use it? I have a portable CCTV. Using my iPad as a magnifier means it is not available for anything else.
Like watching TV for example. Lin asked how I watch TV on my iPad. (I think she knows. It’s a test.? She wants to see if I really know!) I went to the app store and searched for some of my more favorite networks. I have CBS, NBC, PBS and FOX apps on my iPad. You have to ‘subscribe’ (read ‘buy’) if you want the good stuff. By good stuff I mean prime time and current, but sometimes they throw you a bone and you can watch your shows for my favorite word: free. Most of them require you watch the commercials, but sometimes the commercials are the best part! [You can also subscribe to services such as Hulu and Netflx and watch their programming on the TV or on your tablet. If you are an Amazon Prime subscriber, you can also watch TV shows and movies on the TV or tablet many are free, some have a cost.]
And when I say require, I mean just that. You cannot fast forward through them. But you can go to the bathroom or get something to eat if you want.?
Oops. This is getting long. Catch up on the rest of the questions later! I gotta get something to eat. (Bet you thought I was going to say something else!?) Bye!
Written Feb. 1st, 2018