I am looking for a volunteer in the UK. This is an audience-participation event. Thinking it should be painless, but you never know ?.
To explain, I was surfing around, looking at some links Lin had sent me and found a bit of wearable technology called Sight Plus by Give Vision. Apparently this is a startup company that is doing pretty well. They have a Twitter page with a number of glowing commentaries. I found a couple of videos about a paralympic athlete and an eight year old boy with Stargardt’s. Pretty good stuff according to the clips. These goggles are supposed to be comparable in quality to other wearable technology and cost much less. (I cannot find a price, though). They are made with parts easily available. [You can click here for their Facebook page.]
But my point – and I do have one – is they give free demonstrations! I tried to sign up for one but they will only accept you if you live in the UK. Really! However, I have my ways to find things out.?
That is where you folks in Britain come in. I emailed the company and asked if we could send a ‘spy’ to try their product and report back to us. Just sent it and it is the middle of the night there so I don’t expect anything immediately. Just checking with you guys beforehand.
Presentations are on Liverpool, Sheffield, Exeter and London. The next one in London is June 19th. I realize that is cutting it close but I think they do their demonstrations monthly.
Any takers? Sign up is through givevision.net.