Wonder Woman

Hey, there! Back again. Just back from Zumba. The Y (YMCA) is changing its schedule for fall. Just when I think I have my life semi in order, something changes.

The way they want to set it up, I may be taking ‘doubles’. Yoga and then Zumba or Zumba and then yoga.

I am a fit sexagenarian but I am not Wonder Woman. (Actually, except for a few very uneven fights, all she did was ride around in her invisible plane and lasso bad guys so maybe I could be Wonder Woman ?)

Wonder woman shirt

OMG.  Just to prove the Universe has a sense of humor: I pulled out a t-shirt to wear for the rest of the day. Go ahead and guess….yep.  It is my Wonder Woman t-shirt from when the school put a team in the Dirty Girl Mud Run a few years ago! Two comments on that: a) Dirty Girl was a hoot and b) be careful what you say because Someone likes to poke fun!

Leaving the topic of weird coincidences behind and getting back to my YMCA dilemma, it appears I may have to make some decisions. How many classes, which days? I would like to say I could do them all for as long as necessary.


That’s me. Ever the optimist (generally, at any rate).

Any more when I think about exercising for hours I try to remind myself what happened to my meniscus. ????  Three hours of hip hop. Enough said. The spirit is willing The body?  Not so much.

We had this conversation in yoga the other night. A 30ish acquaintance has an injury but still wanted to go all out. Sometimes you can’t. Your body will set limits even if your mind and spirit do not.

Bringing me right around to my AMD. We are going on vacation – I hope. I look at all of the fun and exciting things they offer and I debate. I would truly love to do all of these things. But do they really want a 63-year-old, visually handicapped person along? Can I do this without being a burden?

If I could see well, there would be no question. But I do not see that well. I get lost sometimes. I have always been directionally challenged but these days I can get lost in a confined space. Not good.

So I am practicing a little radical acceptance. That is a DBT concept. We teach it in distress tolerance. It includes the acceptance of “it is what it is” and sometimes “what it is” involves pain.

Stop fighting reality. There maybe some things my vision won’t allow me to do.

Sue's "can you see me now" sweatshirtBut there are somethings I can still do and somethings I can do with a few modifications. For example, behold my new sweatshirt! I may not see my husband but I defy him not to see me! Cool, man. Like, psychedelic. Gotta split. Get back to you later!



written 8/20/2016

Next: “Hey! Sue is Going Blind!”
