Yesterday’s News

Good morning! Lin just shared a video clip from something that looked like a local TV, health program. The clip was on geographic atrophy. That is GA to those in the know.

I have no problem with information being shared with the public. In fact, I think it is a good thing. The more exposure we get and the more noise we make I am hoping two things will happen. One would be law makers (read the deep pockets of government) will be more aware and sympathetic to our plight. (They might also come to realize it is going to cost BIG bucks to care for us!) The other will be people who have AMD will become more knowledgeable and go for help and support.

There are some drawbacks to these little TV presentations, though. For one, they are a bit behind the curve when it comes to breaking new news. The show talked about a fantastic, recent development that would help people with GA.

Fantastic? OK. Helpful? Yep. Recent? Only if you consider research published in 2013 to be recent.   So shoot me. I am an information snob. That information was just too yesterday’s news for me.

I also think they present half information. If you listen to the clip you will hear the expert talk about a ‘subset’ of patients who cannot be helped with current treatments. Not to put too fine a point on this – and look out because I can feel myself getting ready to rant! – but, honey, the group that can be helped with current treatments is the subset! 15% of AMD patients ‘go wet’. The 85% of us who are left are not the subset! (Told you I was going to rant!)

In the clip there is the implication that replacing RPEs will restore sight. We have talked about this a dozen times before. In GA the photoreceptors are dead. There is no sight without photoreceptors. The RPEs are support cells for the photoreceptors. They do not do any of the ‘seeing’.

But my big complaint about this clip? The expert says your world ‘ends’ when you develop GA!!! (Now I am really revving up. Head for the storm cellar!)

With every significant loss, there is a time of dismay and distress. That does not mean the end of your world! Everyone of us here is made of tougher stuff than you could ever have believed. Maybe you have never been tested before, but the steel is there.

Today I taught my class. I attended a staff meeting and saw two clients. Then I came home, walked the dog and made a meal. I am now writing this page. After that I have a psych report to write. Then maybe some down time ‘reading’ a BARD book.

Tomorrow I work, walk with a friend and go to my yoga class. I am making plans to go into New York City with a co-worker next month. The list goes on.

In short, if my world ended a year and a half ago, nobody bothered to tell me about it! I am still going pretty much full tilt!

So, bottom line? I guess it would be listen to the stuff in the media but remember it might not be accurate or current. Once again, caveat emptor. Best sources still remain published research. If you cannot read it or cannot understand it, ask Lin or me to look at it and we can tell you we don’t understand it either!

And about that end of the world business? Don’t believe everything you hear! GA is not a walk in the park. However, if you want to, you can still do that and dozens of other things as well.

Next: Uneventful Trip
