New Guest Author 1/14/2018

Sue and Facebook group member Bob O’Connell have the same highly-respected ophthalmologist Dr. Carl Regillo at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, PA.  Both have been accepted into clinical trials investigating treatments for advanced AMD/Geographic Atrophy (GA).   Read Bob’s story to find out how he got to this point and how he’s come to a decision about one of the clinical trials.  And find out what he means by…

Impossible Dream? Part 1

We are looking for people to write for our project.  All you have to do is to write your story and a short biography, send it to me and I will edit it and put it into the appropriate format for the website.   You may be surprised at how good it feels to share how life has been for you, the good news and the no-so-good news, since your diagnosis.  These stories give assure others that…


Our Guest Authors: Their Stories