Lin/Linda here with a page. Do you have or have you had a parent or sibling with AMD? Was their experience so upsetting that you fear the same fate? When I look back at what help my dad had when he had advanced AMD (geographic atrophy), he had very little beyond a handheld magnifier. Today he could have watched TV with the MaxTV glasses and audio description, could have read the magazines & newspapers he loved with a tablet or smart phone on a stand, could have read a menu in a restaurant with a smart phone magnify app. And he might have been able to sign up for the upcoming phase 4 trial of the first treatment for geographic atrophy!
Timeline Part 1: Advances in Treatment & Care for People with Macular Degeneration
- Categories: Diagnosis: Newly Diagnosed, Dry AMD, Future, Low Vision Aid, , Nutrition, Research, Self care, Technology, Technology; Apple, Technology: Android, Technology: Phone/Tablet/Computer, Testing, Tips for living with low vision, Treatment, Wet AMD
- Keywords: AMD developments, Americans with Disabilities Act, Android, apple, AREDS, AREDS2, audiobooks, Avastin, baby boomers, CCTV, clinical trials, e-book reader, e-books, Eylea, facebook, fluorescein fundus, Google, GPS, history of AMD treatment, iPad, iPhone, large print books, large print calculators, laser treatments, Lucentis, mac, Macugen, not your parents AMD, OCT, research, senile macular degeneration, telescopic implant, VoiceOver, wearable technology, Windows, World Wide Web
Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords? Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at