News: Links to current articles about AMD 6/3/2016

I have a pet peeve (if you’ve joined our Facebook group, you’ve heard this–by the way, if you have NOT joined us, why not??  There’s a lot of good information and conversation): I hate it when I’m doing research and I find something very interesting but there is no date!  There’s a lot of information out there about AMD but some of it is really really out of date.

Imagine my joy in finding a list of articles with dates!   These articles are ones published by the website HealthDay and have been written by several of their reporters who appear to keep up with the newest information.  They list their sources and at least for the 2016 and 2015 articles, they are using the most current information from reputable sources.  I’m working on a new webpage of our own that will keep track of current news.

Click here for Macular Degeneration News from HealthDay.