News: Stem Cell Clinical Trials in the UK

For Those in the UK

Click here for an article about a UK patient at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London as part of The London Project to Cure Blindness.  Click here for the press release dated September 28, 2015, that describes the ongoing project.  The patients in this study have wet AMD.  This is apparently the first study of its type in the UK.

Click here for more information about the stem cell research trials including 2 videos and a graphic illustration of where the stem cells are implanted.

Want to know more about what stem cells are, where they come from, and how they are used?

For more information about stem cell research, click here to read Sue’s page where I’ve placed quite a few links to helpful articles.  There’s also a link to the clinical trials website for the US.

For more information

News: Stem Cell Treatments – Successes, Concerns, US Legislation