Actually, I have 2 pages to share today.
This page written by one of our Facebook group members Nancy Alberts. Thanks so much Nancy!
Sue writes “Anyway, even though I am not normal, I see parallels between Nancy’s experiences, my experiences and maybe even your experiences, too.” We are all…
You can go to the webpage with our ever-growing number of guest writers: Our Guest Authors: Their Stories.
Want to join them and tell others about YOUR journey? You can send me an email with the words you have or an email with an attached file with the words (Word .doc file is great). There’s no word limit, if I need to create more than one page, I’ll do that. I’ll edit it & create the webpage, work with you on anything that might need to be changed, show you the finished product before I release it to the world. If you have any questions or want to go ahead and send me something, it’s