Sue’s New Page 10/6/2017

Two pages again today to celebrate those of you who are sharing your journeys with us.


We are always happy to hear from our email followers and Facebook group members.  Mary has been with us for quite some time and recently told us that she leads a full life which includes her involvement with a support group in Massachusetts that she helped start.  Sue writes about some things that help us to create…

A Full Life


We have 2 new pages from Facebook group member Joann Davis who is one of our charter followers.  She’s been with us for 1 year 5 months which makes her one of our first!

Rookie in Training: Part 1  (there’s a link to the second page)

Want to join them and tell others about YOUR journey?  You can send me an email with the words you have or an email with an attached file with the words (Word .doc file is great). There’s no word limit, if I need to create more than one page, I’ll do that.  I’ll edit it & create the webpage, work with you on anything that might need to be changed, show you the finished product before I release it to the world.  If you have any questions or want to go ahead and send me something, it’s