Happy June 1st! As Sue’s 65th birthday approaches as does her retirement from the school where’s she’s worked as a School Psychologist for many years, she’s having to make quite a few decisions. She shares some advice about handling…
Have an Apple or Android tablet? Did you know that you can make your own CCTV using it and an inexpensive stand? Both types of tablets have built-in accessibility features and available apps to use their cameras to magnify whatever the camera is pointed at. You put the tablet in the stand with the camera pointed down so that anything you put under it will be magnified on the tablet. You can also use a text-to-speech app to read any text you put under the tablet.
Click on the image to the left to go to the website for the Justand V2.
There is another option to make a customized stand for your tablet using a Modular Hose System. Sue writes about it in her page DIY CCTV which has links to a video by Sam of The Blind Life who reviews the system.
iPad to HD TV
You can connect your tablet to an HD TV so that whatever is on the tablet is shown on the TV. You don’t have to have the tablet on a stand to do this. [Not sure you can do this with an Android tablet but you can with an iPad.]
To connect an iPad to an HD TV, you need:
- a TV with an HD (high definition – HDMI) port;
- a connector that connects the iPad to an HDMI cable; Click here to find the Lightning Digital AV Adapter – Lightning to HDMI
- an HDMI cable that goes from the iPad cable to the TV’s HDMI port.
Sue shares the step-by-step instructions in her page As If By Magic.
If you know how to connect an Android tablet to a TV, please tell us how in the comments.