I recently shared a page by Dan Roberts that updates us on the status of research and developments in the field of AMD. Sue and I agree with his statement, “Knowledge is the best way I know of to keep the fear of the unknown at bay, making living with low vision less stressful, and acceptance a little easier.” The monsters go away when we…
Finding Services – US & Canada
There are lots of services available for those with vision impairment. This is a GREAT website for those in the US and Canada –> Browse the AFB Directory of Services for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired. In the right-hand column of the page, you will see ‘Narrow Your Search’ which you can use to search by state. Here’s another page for those in the US–>U.S. Agencies, Centers, Organizations, and Societies.
Finding Services – UK
The Macular Society has services that you can find on their website–>Macular Society. The RNIB is another organization that offers services in the UK–>Our Services.
Finding Services – International
There are organizations that offer support around the world–>International Agencies, Centers, Organizations, and Societies.
Have a Resource to Add?
Do you have a resource that can help our readers find services in their area? Please tell us about it in the comments section. Or email me at light2sight5153@gmail.com. Thanks!