Sue’s New Page 6/24/2017

BIG NEWS!  In a few months, it looks like the first actual treatment for geographic atrophy (GA) will be available from a retinal specialist near you!  We call it “lamp stuff” and the phase 3 clinical trials will be wrapping up in July…at least that’s the plan (disclaimer: plans can change, we’re reporting the status as of this moment in time).  Phase 4 is scheduled to start in December and it appears that Sue will be part of it! And those of you with GA, you could possibly be part of it, too.   Read all about the…

BIG News!

  • categories: Diagnosis: Newly Diagnosed, Dry AMD, News, Research, Sue’s Musings, Treatment
  • keywords: clinical trials, lampalizumab, Phase 3, phase 4, phase III, phase IV, RPEs, stem cells