Sue’s New Page 7/25/2017

It occurred to me that some of you don’t remember when we did NOT have microwaves! They were invented in the 1940s but not affordable till the 1970s.  Before that, there were ‘TV dinners’, the first of which – the Swanson TV dinner – was advertised in 1955: “In 25 minutes, your wife could make a meal with ‘hearty slices of moist tender Swanson turkey, with whipped sweet potatoes and golden Swanson butter.’ The original TV dinner also included ‘garden fresh’ peas and a cornbread dressing.”   We have come a long way!  If you have problems putting together a ‘real’ meal, modern microwave dinners are an option as are meals from programs like Meals on Wheels in the US.  Good thing because Sue is…

Domestic Goddess – Not!

  • Categories: Nutrition, Sue’s Musings, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: cooking, Meals at Home, Meals on Wheels, frozen dinners, frozen meals

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at